Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Jerzy!

Yes Jerzy just turned 3 years old. This weekend was all about her and she made sure that it was all about her. Friday was her birthday... so she started the day off with breakfast any where she wants and of course for her it was McDonalds. Then she spent the whole day outside playing with the neighbors and her siblings. Later on that day we went over to my husbands Grandmothers house. They made cake, cookies, and brownies to celebrate her birthday. It was great cause every little thing she was super excited. When we sang "Happy Birthday" to her... She said, "Aww... for me? I really really love it sooo much!". hahaha this girl cracks me up. I'm so happy that she is grateful for all the little things in life. Especially hanging out with family that's all she asked for was to go play with Tuli and Patsy (which BTW are no where near her age... LOL).

Today was really fun. The sun was shining, pool was out, the grill was fired up and we were out enjoying the day... Woo hoo... Let's hope the weather stays like this. Part 2 of Jerzy's birthday was spent at her house barbeque'n (LOL), watchin' the kids swim and play games. We decorated a little bit with our homemade Birthday Garland (which BTW was FREE...LOL... used all recycled scrapbook paper), had homemade hats for the kids (also made out of scrapbook paper), and had some homemade cake it was good... LOL! I must say that this was one fun day. It was sweet and simple. I really enjoyed it all. I love you Jerzy Girl! XOXOXOXO

Thanks everyone for making Jerzy's day/weekend a special one for her.

Monday, April 5, 2010

10 Things

Gosh it's been too long since the last time I've posted so I figured I'd list the top 10 things I've been up so where to start...

1. Oh we had another baby shower for Madisyn given by my side of the family... Super fun.

2. Spending a lot of time with my Madisyn. She's growing up way too fast.

3. Madisyn's Blessing

4. Madisyn's 4 month check up

5. Celebrated my moms 58th Birthday! Love you MOM! My mom is so talented... she can blow out her candles and get birthday wishes from her kids in Cali... LOL!

6. Craft Night. This was fun we learned how to make tutu's and flower clips/headbands. Can't wait for our next craft night. Wonder what we'll be learning? Any suggestions? LOL.

7. Hanging out with Family!

8. Watched General Conference & had an Easter Egg Hunt & Celebrated Daisy's 8th Birthday... Busy Weekend & FUN! We had all the lil girls do their egg hunt in the tutu's and flower clips we made for them. Too CUTE! I have to say this was the best weekend yet. Messages from General Conference was AWESOME, Family Time was AWESOME, and everything else was AWESOME!

9. Attend a play at my sister in laws church "Master Mender". It's been a long time since I've been to play. This was about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

10. Now busy with Madisyn again and lovin' every minute of it... LOL! She's the best!XOXOXO Madisyn!

Whew... That's a lot and in between some of those things that have kept me busy I always find myself just watching my baby sleep. Everything she does amazes me and I still can't believe how much she has grown. My life has definitely changed because of her. And I'm lovin' it all! I lalala-love my family! Oh and of course I can't end this blog without giving thanks to my husband for all that he does to support our lil family and especially to our Heavenly Father for all the wonderful blessings that he has blessed and continues to bless our family with. I'm so in love with life!