Monday, March 9, 2009


So I haven't had a chance to write in awhile... SOOOOOOOOOO... here's what I've been up to!

Yeap... You guessed it Coupon Shopping... I have no kids but I have been stocking up on baby products. My sister is expecting another baby girl July 7th and since Walgreens is having such an AWESOME deal on Huggies, Aveeno, and Johnson... I figure it's the perfect time to start saving.

I started couponing (if that's a word... LOL) since Aug 2008 and I've been addicted but just a couple a weeks ago I was so tired of it... cutting, sorting, racing to get the deals and all that comes with couponing. But the BEST part about being able to do this is sharing coupons with your sister. When I'm down and out from couponing I have an older sister that takes over and goes hunting the deals down... LOL... and when she's down and out (which is never...LOL) I take over. That way we never miss out on the FREE or really CHEAP products. Hahaha!

Anyways, this is really a time consuming hobby but the rewards are so worth it!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Va'aulu Girls Night Out

When you look at your life, the greatest happiness are family happiness.
~Joyce Brothers

This past weekend we had our first "Va'aulu Girls Night Out". It was so much fun we played Family Feud, Mad Gab and Question Conversation it was team UH HUH against team UH UH. We had fun prizes and tons of food. Also, it was the best workout in a long time mainly targeting the ab area. We laughed and laughed but of course all the pounds we lost from laughing we gained it ALL right back when it was time to eat. The purpose of this outing was to spend time with our cousins from Samoa. We had 3 generations there... Who would of thought that hanging out with the older and younger "GENERATORS" would be so much fun. I can't wait for our next gathering cause believe it or not this is only half of the Va'aulu girls. And I know with all the other girls there it will be twice the fun, twice the laughter, twice the workout and twice the food... although I think we can manage without the extra food. LOL! "Tanks" for the memories.

I'm truly grateful for the family that I have. They have all played the artist that help mold me into the person I am today. My family is one of nature's masterpiece. I could not have asked for a better group of ladies. I LOVE you ALL!

Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future.
~Gail Lumet Buckley